Local News

GP Police Nabbed Registered Sex Offender for Two Felonies near High School

Grants Pass Police jailed a registered sex offender for two felonies last weekend.

The Police Department reports officers arrested a 46-year-old male subject they identified as "Stanley Lee Miller" at a home in the 700-block of NE Wharton Drive near Grants Pass High School on Sunday at 7:36 p.m..

Police said Miller was known to be a registered sex offender who failed to report his updated address which caused him to be out of compliance. His underlying sex offense is a felony, so he was immediately placed into custody.

During a consent search, Miller was found to be in possession of a restricted knife that was seized as evidence.

Miller was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Felony Failure to Report as a Sex Offender and Felon in Possession of a Restricted Weapon. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 8/6/24 10:41AM by Sam Marsh