Senator Wyden Joins Colleagues on New Law to Protect Sensitive Places from ICE Raids
US Senator Ron Wyden said he is joining Senate colleagues in introducing legislation that would prevent Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from making arrests at sensitive locations such as hospitals, schools, churches and courthouses in Oregon and nationwide. The Protecting Sensitive Locations Act would codify the Department of Homeland Security's established policies to stop ICE from making arrests at essential service locations. In addition, the legislation would ensure immigrants can have access to education, criminal justice and social services without fear of deportation. The list of "sensitive locations" protected under this legislation includes -- but are not limited to -- medical treatment facilities and health care facilities of all types; public and private schools, early childhood learning centers, preschools, school activities and field trips: places of worship; federal and local courthouses; DMVs and Social Security offices; polling places; labor union halls; and several locations that provide essential or emergency services to immigrant communities such as rape crisis centers and homeless shelters. Wyden said "the Trump administration's efforts to upend these policies not only goes against long-standing precedent, but also threatens public safety."
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Health Officials Say People with Flu Symptoms Should Talk to Doctor before Visiting the ER
Jackson and Josephine counties continue to see high influenza rates this year. Influenza -- also known as the flu -- is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. Influenza A(H1N1) and Influenza A(H3N2) are the predominant virus strains circulating in Southern Oregon. These two strains are not the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPA1), also known as "bird flu" A(H5N1). There have been no confirmed local bird flu cases. If you have flu symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches or fatigue, talk to your doctor before visiting the hospital emergency room. Emergency departments are busy, and people with mild symptoms who want to be seen can protect others and avoid long waits in the ER by calling their primary care provider before heading to the hospital. People at higher risk of severe illness from influenza include those 65 years and older, children, pregnant women, and those with chronic medical conditions or weak immune systems. The flu vaccine is available from health care providers, Jackson and Josephine County Public Health departments, and many pharmacies.
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Boys & Girls Clubs of RV Announces 4 New Board Members and National Award
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Rogue Valley is excited to announce the appointment of four distinguished community leaders to its Board of Directors. The new members are set to play a key role in advancing the Club's mission of providing safe environments and impactful programs and services to young people in the Rogue Valley. Just recently, the Board of Directors was honored with the Silver Award in Boys & Girls Clubs of America's League of Eagles Organizational Recognition Program. This award recognizes local Boys & Girls Club affiliate organizations whose boards of directors demonstrated strong engagement and superior commitment to their clubs. Joining this distinguished group are Noah Horstman, owner of Golf Garage and West Coast Academy of Golf in Phoenix; Clayton Martin, regional manager of Dutch Bros Josephine County; Mason Smith, social media content creator and entrepreneur; and Dave Thomason, owner of Thomason Hospitality Group. The new positions fill recent vacancies following the retirement of multiple long-standing Board members.
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