Local News

Unattended Cooking Likely Started Kitchen Fire at Lower River Road Home
Fire destroyed the kitchen of a rural home west of Grants Pass late yesterday. Rural Metro Fire Department and Grants Pass Fire & Rescue responded to a reported structure fire in the 2900-block of Lower River Road on Wednesday at 4:21 p.m.. Firefighters got a quick knockdown of the flames, but they had to tear into the ceiling and walls of the home to be sure the fire hadn't entered the attic space. Rural Metro officials said the investigation is continuing, but evidence suggests unattended cooking on the stovetop may have been a factor. Officials said despite a lack of smoke alarms, there were no injuries reported.
Posted on 1/23/25 6:18AM by Sam Marsh

Rural Metro Fire Department Says Keep Hoses Thawed for Winter Flames
Did you know one of the most valuable home defense tools to stop a fire is a readily accessible garden hose with attached nozzle? Quick action with a hose has saved many homes in Josephine County -- but with the cold weather right now, it won't do much good if it's frozen. Rural Metro Fire Department says protecting the hose and faucet against freezing is very important because you never know when the hose might be needed to suppress unexpected flames, inside or outside your home. Officials say when thawing out anything frozen, consider using warm water rather than a torch or open flame. Be sure to follow recommendations on portable heaters by providing adequate space of three feet from anything flammable. Keeping a charged fire extinguisher available is just as important.
Posted on 1/23/25 6:17AM by Sam Marsh

Josephine Marijuana Enforcement Team Efforts Slowed Illegal Cannabis Trade in 2024
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The Josephine Marijuana Enforcement Team (JMET) put a significant local dent in the illegal cannabis trade in 2024. From January 1st-December 31st last year, JMET served a total of 40 search warrants on alleged illegal marijuana cultivation operations in Josephine County -- with many of the operations conducted in partnership with other law enforcement agencies. The JMET operations were assisted by Josephine County Public Health & Building Safety, Josephine County Water Master, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission. In 2024, JMET seized 41,673 marijuana plants, 57 firearms, $250,193 in cash, and multiple vehicles, generators and heavy machinery, plus the agency destroyed over 8,000 pounds of illegally processed marijuana. Josephine County Sheriff Dave Daniel said his office is committed to protecting with courage and serving with compassion as they work to rid the community of illegal marijuana operations. Sheriff Daniel encourages citizens to utilize the JMET Tip Line at (541)-474-5252 to report any suspected illicit marijuana activity within Josephine County. If you call the tip line, please leave your name and contact information. All information will remain confidential.
Posted on 1/23/25 5:48AM by Sam Marsh

GPPD is Committed to Helping All Community Members with New Campsite Rules
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With the upcoming permanent closure of the SE J Street homeless campsite and new resting rules at the NE 7th Street site, the Grants Pass Police Department says it's committed to helping all community members. On January 7th, the Grants Pass City Council held a special meeting when it voted to close the J Street camp and limit use of the 7th Street camp from 5 p.m. to 7 a.m. daily. The closure of the J Street camp goes into effect at midnight tonight. In preparation to meet the Council's adopted resolution, GPPD Chief Warren Hensman said his officers have been working with community partners to ensure the transition was fairly implemented and that those impacted had access to local resources. Hensman said these efforts included working behind the scenes with stakeholders such as MINT, PATH, U-Turn for Christ, HWAM, Mid Rogue Foundation, UCAN, ADAPT, Options for Southern Oregon, Grants Pass Sobering Center, Maslow Project, WCST, Gospel Rescue Mission, Dove Ministries, On-Track and Veterans Affairs. Grants Pass police officers communicated the upcoming changes repeatedly over the past two weeks so that those utilizing the resting sites had ample awareness of the resolution.
Posted on 1/23/25 5:46AM by Sam Marsh
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Board of Commissioners Rejects Collective Bargaining Agreement with AFSCME
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The Josephine County Board of Commissioners yesterday rejected a collective bargaining agreement with a union representing hundreds of county employees. The Board voted 2-1 against the agreement with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) that was nine months in the making. Board Vice-Chair Chris Barnett made a motion to approve the agreement, but he was outvoted by his colleagues who said they were very concerned about the budget implications of increasing salaries and benefit packages in tough economic times. In other business, the Commissioners unanimously approved personal service contracts with M&M Services, LLC, and Wally Schmidt Electric, Inc., for the installation of a new fuel station at Josephine County Public Works. The contract with M&M is for just over $191,000 and the contract with Wally Schmidt is for just under $63,000. Public Works Director Rob Brandes said the transition will occur under state Department of Environmental Quality and federal Environmental Protection Agency guidelines.
Posted on 1/23/25 5:38AM by Sam Marsh
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Board of Commissioners Rejects Collective Bargaining Agreement with AFSCME
The Josephine County Board of Commissioners this morning rejected a collective bargaining agreement with a union representing hundreds of county employees. The Board voted 2-1 against the agreement with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees that was nine months in the making. Board Vice-Chair Chris Barnett made a motion to approve the agreement, but he was outvoted by his colleagues who said they were very concerned about the budget implications of increasing salaries and benefit packages in tough economic times. In other business, the Commissioners unanimously approved personal service contracts with M&M Services, LLC, and Wally Schmidt Electric, Inc., for the installation of a new fuel station at Josephine County Public Works. The contract with M&M is for just over $191,000 and the contract with Wally Schmidt is for just under $63,000. Public Works Director Rob Brandes said the old fuel pumps and tanks are beyond their useful lives and need to be replaced. He said the transition will occur under state Department of Environmental Quality and federal Environmental Protection Agency guidelines. He testified he was unsure if there had been any leakage or soil contamination. As part of the Consent Calendar, the Board unanimously approved plat maps for Phase 2 of Hazel Hill Estates and the Westralia Estates subdivision. During the public comment period, there was strong support for the Josephine Community Library District lease based on the County Charter, but recalled former Board Chair John West testified that the "community library is no longer a county library" and not subject to the guidelines of the Charter.
Posted on 1/22/25 11:37AM by Sam Marsh
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Sheriff's Office Investigation Led to Arrest of GP Man for Felony Assault & More
A Josephine County Sheriff's Office investigation resulted in the arrest of a Grants Pass man for felony assault and another crime early yesterday. According to the Sheriff's Office, deputies arrested 40-year-old Richard Michael Espinoza in the 1400-block of SE M Street on Tuesday at 8:46 a.m.. Deputies released no details about the arrest, but stated Espinoza was wanted for probable cause due to a criminal investigation. Espinoza was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on a felony charge of 2nd-Degree Assault and a misdemeanor charge of Unlawful Entry into a Motor Vehicle. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 1/22/25 11:36AM by Sam Marsh
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Deputies Snared Man on State Warrant in Remote Transient Camp Investigation
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office apprehended a man wanted on a statewide felony warrant yesterday while investigating a transient camp west of Wolf Creek. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies arrested 44-year-old Richard Wallace Carlyle, II, at a camp in the 11,000-block of Lower Grave Creek Road on Tuesday around 2:15 p.m.. Deputies said Carlyle was contacted at the second of two transient camps in that area and he was found to be wanted on an Oregon State Parole Board warrant for Parole Violation stemming from a conviction for Felony Attempt to Elude Police. Carlyle was transported to Grants Pass and lodged at the Josephine County Jail on a no-bail detainer.
Posted on 1/22/25 11:35AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Man on Two Warrants after He Surrendered at Corrections
Grants Pass Police arrested a man on two outstanding warrants yesterday after he turned himself in at Josephine County Community Corrections. According to the Police Department, officers placed 42-year-old Brandon John Berry into custody at the corrections office on NW 4th Street at 1:55 p.m. Tuesday. Police said Berry's corrections officer called in to report his client was in the lobby and wanted to surrender himself to law enforcement. He was wanted on a Medford Police Department warrant for Probation Violation related to Attempted Felony Assault and a Josephine County warrant for Probation Violation related to 1st-Degree Burglary. After the warrants were confirmed, Berry was lodged at the Josephine County Jail where he was being held on $117,500 bail.
Posted on 1/22/25 11:33AM by Sam Marsh
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Deputies Arrested Man for Violating Court Order at GP Area Mobile Home Park
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office arrested a man for violating a court order at a local mobile home park last night. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies responded to a disturbance in the 100-block of Briarwood Way at Roguelea Estates on Tuesday at about 10:40 p.m.. Deputies said a female caller reported a 66-year-old male subject was acting in an inappropriate manner and that he had hit her a few times. A guest of the woman wanted him trespassed from the residence. Upon arrival, deputies contacted both parties and they denied a physical altercation or injuries had occurred. However, there was an active stalking order in place prohibiting the man from physically contacting the woman. He was subsequently placed into custody. The suspect was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Contempt of Court-Stalking Order Violation and he was being held without bail.
Posted on 1/22/25 11:31AM by Sam Marsh
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OSP Cited Motorist for Driving Too Fast around School Buses on Azalea Drive
The Oregon State Police cited a Grants Pass motorist for driving too fast around school buses near Merlin early yesterday. According to OSP, troopers pulled over a Chevrolet Camaro driven by 35-year-old Dixie Nicole Suthann near the corner of Azalea Drive and Ewe Creek Road on Tuesday at 8:15 a.m.. Troopers said they stopped the Camaro for speeding on Azalea Drive during freezing conditions with school buses actively picking up children in the area. Suthann admitted to not having any insurance on her vehicle. She was cited for Speeding and No Insurance, and her vehicle was impounded by Caveman Towing.
Posted on 1/22/25 11:30AM by Sam Marsh
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Marine Board Slated to Make Ruling on Upper Rogue River Boat Operations
The Oregon State Marine Board is expected to make a ruling tomorrow on new rules that will govern boat operations on the Upper Rogue River. The Marine Board is holding its quarterly meeting at the agency's office in Salem on Thursday at 8:30 a.m.. The meeting agenda includes "Upper Rogue River Rulemaking Action: Board Vote." The Board can either approve new rules, modify proposed rules or take no action. In October, the Marine Board held a work session at Rogue Community College's Riverside Campus in Medford to consider boat operations on the Rogue between the former Gold Ray Dam and Lost Creek Reservoir. The meeting format included presentations and public testimony in which many citizens requested a ban on jetboats along with slower speed limits on that section of the Rogue River.
Posted on 1/22/25 11:29AM by Sam Marsh
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