Local News

GP Police Snared Man on Outstanding Warrant after SW City Trespassing Call
Grants Pass Police arrested a man on an outstanding felony warrant while investigating a trespassing complaint at a home on the west side of the city. According to the Police Department, officers responded to the call involving 34-year-old Marcus Allen Weeks in the 1900-block of SW Betty Lane on Tuesday. Police said a man called 9-1-1 and reported that his wife allowed her son to stay at their home about a week ago. Since that time, the man said his stepson had stolen several items and changed his behavior. He met officers in his driveway because he did not want to go back inside the house where his stepson was still sleeping. The complainant wanted Weeks trespassed from the residence. He disclosed that he believed his stepson was wanted on a warrant out of Jackson County. It was confirmed that he was wanted on a felony warrant for failing to appear in court for 2nd-Degree Burglary, 1st-Degree Criminal Mischief and 1st-Degree Criminal Trespass. Weeks was placed into custody and lodged at the Josephine County Jail on the warrant. He was also trespassed from his mother's and stepfather's residence.
Posted on 12/5/24 6:45AM by Sam Marsh

GP Transient Nabbed for Returning to Business Where He had Been Banned
A Grants Pass transient was arrested early yesterday for returning to a business from which he had already been trespassed. According to the Police Department, officers responded to a trespassing complaint at Starbucks on NE Hillcrest Drive on Wednesday around 5:45 a.m.. Police said 57-year-old James Daniel Bisel returned to Starbucks after previously being trespassed from the business on October 6th. The store manager called 9-1-1 and reported a male subject who had been asked to leave in the past was back. This time, the manager requested assistance from law enforcement because Bisel had become hostile with the manager when he confronted him on Tuesday. Bisel was contacted and placed into custody without incident. Bisel was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for 2nd-Degree Criminal Trespass and was being held without bail due to his frequent contacts with local police. His belongings were logged into evidence for safekeeping.
Posted on 12/5/24 6:44AM by Sam Marsh

Applications Still Being Accepted for Seat on Bikeways & Walkways Committee
Applications are still be accepted for one position on the Grants Pass & Josephine County Bikeways & Walkways Committee, but time is running short to apply. The purpose of this committee is to seek input from the community, coordinate and disseminate information for public education about biking and walking routes and rules, and serve as a resource and advisory group regarding bicycle and pedestrian trails for the City of Grants Pass and Josephine County. Applicants for this position must be city residents and the special qualification is a person who represents the interests of bikers and walkers. Applications are available at the City Administration Office at 101 NW A Street or online at "grantspassoregon.gov/committee-application." Completed applications must be received by 5 p.m. this Friday, December 6th. Applications will be reviewed by the Committee on Tuesday, December 10th. The Grants Pass City Council will make the appointment at its regular meeting on Wednesday, January 15th.
Posted on 12/5/24 6:42AM by Sam Marsh

Board of Commissioners Finalizes Sale of The Flying Lark to River Valley Community Church
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The Josephine County Board of Commissioners finalized the sale of The Flying Lark to River Valley Community Church during its Wednesday business session. County Legal Counsel Wally Hicks testified that the total purchase price of the facility next to Grants Pass Downs at the Fairgrounds is $9.5 million, with a cash down payment of $4.5 million followed by monthly installments of approximately $18,000 for the balance of the property transaction. After administrative fees of $500,000 are deducted, the $9 million balance will be placed in a "Fairgrounds Permanent Fund" with the annual interest available for the Fairgrounds to use for capital improvements and other projects. Current and past members of the Josephine County Fair Board were in attendance and Recreation Director Tamra Martin expressed their satisfaction with the completion of the sale. Hicks also spoke about a lease-option agreement for property around The Flying Lark that the church will use for parking. The church has the option to purchase the parking area for $150,000 if it does so before the end of 2028. There is also an easement agreement for a strip of land off Pansy Lane included in the transaction.
Posted on 12/5/24 6:09AM by Sam Marsh
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GP City Council Approves MINT Proposal to Fund Purchase of Parker Place Facility
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The Mobile Integrative Navigation Team (MINT) will purchase the Parker Place Property on Redwood Highway with funding being supplied by the City of Grants Pass following two 5-3 votes by the Council Wednesday night. The Council approved two resolutions authorizing a grant agreement between the City of Grants Pass and MINT -- the first for a navigation center and shelter to address homeless issues in the amount of $460,000 for the property at 220 Redwood Highway and the second to purchase land at 210 Redwood Highway for approximately $200,000. Funds will come from the City’s contingency fund. The permanent shelter will open within six months and be able to house 20 people inside plus provide a campground for an additional 30 tent sites -- with the goal to be able to accommodate 100 unhoused individuals within 18 months. Certain conditions were placed upon MINT in a 10-year trust deed with provisions for certain performance standards that could result in Grants Pass taking possession of the properties if they are not met.
Posted on 12/5/24 6:02AM by Sam Marsh
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Christmas Tree Lighting Event in Downtown Grants Pass Set for Friday Evening
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It's the first week of December and that means it's time to kick off the Christmas season in downtown Grants Pass. Join the City of Grants Pass for the annual Tree Lighting Event on Friday at the Holiday Plaza at 5th and G streets. Bring your family, friends and holiday cheer to enjoy the official lighting of the downtown Christmas tree. Come downtown early, shop for the perfect gifts and support local businesses. Children can write letters to Santa Claus at the Downtown Welcome Center from 4 to 6 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m.. There will be "live" music performances with the Hidden Valley High School Choir at 5 p.m., followed by the Gabe Moddison Trio at 5:30 and a Concert with Mrs. Claus at 6. Santa's Arrival and the Christmas Tree Lighting are set for 7. Stay warm by the fire pits and enjoy the festive atmosphere. This family-friendly event is free and fun for all ages. Let's make this Christmas season unforgettable!
Posted on 12/5/24 6:01AM by Sam Marsh
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MINT Proposal to Fund Purchase of Parker Place by City Passes Council Vote
MINT will purchase the Parker Place Property on the Redwood Highway with funding being supplied by the City of Grants Pass following two 5 to 3 votes by the Council Wednesday night. Council approved two resolutions authorizing a grant agreement between the City of Grants Pass and the Mobile Integrative Navigation Team, also known as MINT, first for a navigation center and shelter to address homeless issues in the amount of $460 thousand dollars for the property at 220 Redwood Highwood, and, second, at 210 Redwood Highway for approximately $200,000. Funds would come from the City’s contingency fund. The shelter would within six months be able to house 20 people inside and provide a campground for an additional thirty tent sites with the goal to be able to accommodate 100 individuals within 18 months.
Posted on 12/4/24 9:38PM by Chuck Benson
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GPCC Approves FEMA Measure, CDBG Grant Reports & Misc. Business Measures
The Grants Pass City Council during the regular business session Wednesday night approved the CDBG grant report, annexed a property to the city, okayed a FEMA compliance measure and amended certain fee schedules. The Council first approved a resolution to accept the Community Development Block Grant Program annual report for 2023. Regulations require the city annually assess the program’s accomplishments and describe any obstacles encountered. The City received $361,709 in program funds in October of 2023 through September of 2024 to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment by expanding economic opportunities for low and moderate-income persons. The last day to submit the report to HUD is December 27th. The Council then approved an ordinance annexing property located at 1907 Fruitdale Drive into the city limits. The applicant, Home Bridging, Inc, sought the annexation so the property can be connected to municipal utilities. A pre-implementation compliance measure mandated by FEMA to require impacted Oregon communities to demonstrate how development within the special flood hazard area and riparian buffer zone is compliant with the endangered species act was adopted by resolution. The city currently has approximately 1,088 properties affected. Letters will be sent to affected property owners about the
Posted on 12/4/24 9:36PM by Chuck Benson
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Board Finalizes Sale of The Flying Lark to River Valley Community Church
The Josephine County Board of Commissioners finalized the sale of The Flying Lark to River Valley Community Church during its weekly business session today. County Legal Counsel Wally Hicks testified that the total purchase price of the facility next to Grants Pass Downs at the Fairgrounds is $9.5 million, with a cash down payment of $4.5 million followed by monthly installments of approximately $18,000 for the balance of the property transaction. After administrative fees of $500,000 are deducted, the $9 million balance will be placed in a "Fairgrounds Permanent Fund" with the annual interest available for the Fairgrounds to use for capital improvements and other projects. Current and past members of the Josephine County Fair Board were in attendance and Recreation Director Tamra Martin expressed their satisfaction with the completion of the sale. Hicks also spoke about a lease-option agreement for property around The Flying Lark that the church will use for parking. The church has the option to purchase the parking area for $150,000 if it does so before the end of 2028. There is also an easement agreement for a strip of land off Pansy Lane included in the transaction. In other business, the Board approved ODOT-delivered federally-funded bridge projects on Fruitdale Drive and Rogue River Highway over Fruitdale Creek as well as on Takilma Road over Althouse Creek. Public Works Director Rob Brandes said his department would not be able to complete the fish passage enhancements that will total more than $7 million without state and federal funding.
Posted on 12/4/24 11:32AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Jailed Felon for Old and New Crimes after He Entered Options Hub
Grants Pass Police jailed a man for both old and new crimes after he was caught trying to break into a mental health and drug treatment facility in the downtown area last night. The Police Department reports officers arrested 36-year-old Eric Thomas Hermes for the incident at the Options for Southern Oregon facility in the 400-block of SW 5th Street on Tuesday at 9:34 p.m.. Police said a caller from a neighboring business reported observing a male subject later identified as Hermes unlawfully entering the Options Hub and trying to get inside the building through a window. All gates to the property had been locked and they were clearly marked with "No Trespassing" signs. An Options employee was contacted and arrived at the facility, identifying Hermes as the suspect. He was found to be wanted on a Josephine County felony warrant for Parole Violation related to past convictions for Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle and Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants. According to the report, the convicted felon initially provided law enforcement with a false name. He was also found to be in possession of a spring-assisted knife which is a direct violation of his post-prison supervision. Hermes was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on the warrant plus new charges of Attempted 2nd-Degree Burglary, Felon in Possession of a Restricted Weapon, Criminal Trespass and Furnishing False Information to Police.
Posted on 12/4/24 11:31AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Snared Man on Outstanding Warrant after SW City Trespassing Call
Grants Pass Police arrested a man on an outstanding felony warrant while investigating a trespassing complaint at a home on the west side of the city. According to the Police Department, officers responded to the call involving 34-year-old Marcus Allen Weeks in the 1900-block of SW Betty Lane on Tuesday around 8:30 a.m.. Police said a man called 9-1-1 and reported that his wife allowed her son to stay at their home about a week ago. Since that time, the man said his stepson had stolen several items and changed his behavior. He met officers in his driveway because he did not want to go back inside the house where his stepson was still sleeping. The complainant wanted Weeks trespassed from the residence. He disclosed that he believed his stepson was wanted on a warrant out of Jackson County. It was confirmed that he was wanted on a felony warrant for failing to appear in court for 2nd-Degree Burglary, 1st-Degree Criminal Mischief and 1st-Degree Criminal Trespass. Weeks was placed into custody and lodged at the Josephine County Jail on the warrant. He was also trespassed from his mother's and stepfather's residence.
Posted on 12/4/24 11:29AM by Sam Marsh
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911 Investigation at Downtown GP Home Led to Arrest of Man on MPD Warrant
A 9-1-1 investigation at a residence in downtown Grants Pass last night led to the arrest of a man on an outstanding felony warrant. The Police Department reports officers first contacted 60-year-old Clint Edward Robertson at a home in the 200-block of SE K Street and then placed him into custody on Tuesday at 7:04 p.m.. Police said dispatchers received a call from a frantic woman who yelled something about her car and hung up. The Dispatch Center was able to pinpoint the location of the call and officers responded to investigate. Robertson was contacted and found to be wanted on a Medford felony warrant for Probation Violation related to an arrest for 4th-Degree Assault. He was also found to be in possession of the keys to a car belonging to the woman who had called 9-1-1. The keys were returned to a woman identified as "Melody Hefner." Due to undisclosed medical issues, Robertson was not lodged in jail on the warrant. Instead, he was cited to appear in Jackson County Circuit Court and released to the care of Three Rivers Medical Center.
Posted on 12/4/24 11:27AM by Sam Marsh
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