Board Delays Sale of Pipe Fork Property and Approves Supplemental Budget
The proposed sale of the Pipe Fork timber property near Williams has been five years in the making -- and it will take more time to finish after two of the three members of the Josephine County Board of Commissioners voted against it this morning.
Commissioners John West and Herman Baertschiger voted against the $2.32 million purchase and sale agreement from The Conservation Fund and Williams Community Forest Project for the property on the Pipe Fork Creek drainage. The money is earmarked for the Josephine County Forestry Department.
While Commissioner Dan DeYoung supported the sale and made a motion to approve it, the two other Board members would not second his motion because they had concerns on whether the Bureau of Land Management would guarantee public use of the parcel. Both expressed a desire to speak to a BLM representative before signing off on the Pipe Fork sale.
In other business, the Board unanimously approved the Supplemental Budget for the current fiscal year. Finance Director Sandy Novak testified that adjustments to the spending plan that ends June 30th represent unexpected needs since adoption of the last supplemental budget. It was the third supplemental budget of the year.
For instance, more money was needed for Emergency Management to fund the Firewise program and insurance rates increased for patrols by Sheriff's deputies. On the other hand, Josephine Community Transit received a grant for a new electric bus, Community Corrections received a grant from the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission and Sheriff's legal forfeiture funds exceeded expectations.
As part of the Consent Calendar, the Commissioners appointed Brett Hopper to a four-year term on the Grants Pass Airport Advisory Board.
Posted on 6/18/24 11:51AM by Sam Marsh