Local News

Upper Applegate Fire 100% Lined at Perimeter with Focus Now on Mopping Up

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Firefighters working on the Upper Applegate Fire made tremendous progress overnight while completing strategic firing operations on the north part of the wildfire.

The Oregon Department of Forestry reports this strategy connected the fire's edge with the hand-line dug by firefighters, creating a solid barrier between the interior of the blaze and homes located further downhill.

With this work finished, the wildfire is now 100% directly lined, meaning there are no unburned pockets along the perimeter that could easily allow the fire to burn over a line. It also gives firefighters a better defense should those lines be tested by windy weather, which is expected today.

ODF officials said the fire slightly expanded last night to 966 acres, but mop-up has increased to 20%. On the south side of the fire, mop-up operations have reached 120 feet into the interior of the fire with crews extinguishing hot spots as they advance. Hazard trees remain a constant threat to crews on this incident.

More than 360 personnel are assigned to the Upper Applegate Fire today including 13 20-person hand crews backed by four engines, three bulldozers and eight water tenders. Two Type 1 and two Type 2 helicopters are still dedicated to the fire to drop water when needed. Two Type 3 helicopters are providing full day coverage as an air attack platform to coordinate aerial work. Fleet downsizing is expected.

Personnel will be hiking throughout the fire today to determine what repair work needs to be done following suppression activities.

Evacuation orders remain in effect, with Zone JAC-434 on a Level 1 "Be Ready" notice and Zone-436 on a Level 2 "Be Set" notice. The BLM closure order for lands in the fire area -- including Grouse Creek Road -- continues.
Posted on 6/29/24 8:58AM by Sam Marsh