BCC to Consider Referring Veterans Services Levy to November Election Ballot
The Josephine County Commissioners will consider referring to voters a measure for a five-year local option tax to pay for veteran services during its weekly business session tomorrow morning.
If approved by the Board, the measure would appear on the November 5th General Election ballot. If approved by voters, it would levy 5 cents per thousand dollars of assessed property value or $15 annually for a property valued at $300,000.
Also on the agenda is a potential advisory question asking voters whether veterans service office operations should be funded by a property tax. Josephine County is home to approximately 9,000 military veterans and the current office is located at the Courthouse in Grants Pass.
In other business, the Board will consider two orders involving administrative policies for the purpose of conducting daily business. One order would set forth policy and procedures regarding the allocation of general fund dollars for county departments. The other would establish policy and procedures regarding the role, purpose and authority of Commissioner Liaisons to department and advisory boards.
The Commission is also expected to approve an order authorizing the future sale of county-owned real properties by the Sheriff.
Wednesday's public meeting begins at 9 a.m. in the Anne G. Basker Auditorium.
Posted on 8/6/24 11:48AM by Sam Marsh