Local News

GP Police Jailed Man for Beating Up Wife at Redwood Area Home on Sunday

Grants Pass Police jailed a man for roughing up his wife in the Redwood area early yesterday.

The Police Department reports officers arrested a 57-year-old male subject for the incident in the 1700-block of Misty Meadows Way on Sunday at about 1 a.m..

Police said the subject and his wife got into an argument that escalated into a fist fight. They said the man punched his spouse and then pulled her down in the hallway before using his forearm to apply pressure to her neck. The victim told officers she had trouble breathing, but she refused medical treatment.

According to the report, the subject fled the residence in a vehicle but he returned when officers were there and was placed into custody.

The suspect was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Felony 4th-Degree Domestic Assault and Domestic Strangulation. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 10/21/24 11:33AM by Sam Marsh