Local News

Applications Being Accepted for 6 Seats on New GP Public Safety Advisory Committee

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The City of Grants Pass is accepting applications for six positions on the recently-formed Public Safety Advisory Committee. These will be staggered three-year terms.

The Public Safety Advisory Committee will serve as a collaborative platform for community engagement and guidance on public safety matters. The committee will aim to bridge the gap between the community and the City Council, ensuring that public safety strategies align with the needs and resources of the community.

The Grants Pass City Council desires to have a balance of viewpoints and demographic representation on the panel include one Budget Committee member, one business representative inside the city limits, one city resident who is not a business owner, one downtown business owner and two citizens at-large.

Applications are available at the City Administration Office at 101 NW A Street or online at "grantspassoregon.gov/committee-application." Completed applications must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, January 3, 2025.

The City Council will make the appointments on Wednesday, January 15th.
Posted on 11/22/24 6:09AM by Sam Marsh